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STAR and Competitive Skate

Skate Saskatoon STAR and Competitive skaters train on the same sessions. 

Group packages enhance performance and accelerate improvement with skaters in the same level range.

See links on the homepage of the website for current season information

The Skate Canada STAR and competitive systems consist of 2 aspects:

  1. Assessments:
    1. The same STAR Assessments (1 - Gold) are used for both systems
  2. Optional Competitions:
    1. STAR:  Regional and Provincial Competitions (Riverskate, Winter Classic and others)
    2. Competitive:  National Qualifying Competitions (Sectionals, Skate Canada Challenge, Canadian Tire National Skating Championships, as well as Winter Classic, Sask Skate etc.)

Off-Ice Training


Off-ice training for figure skaters is an important aspect of training, Skate Saskatoon is offering off ice programming, which is a component of the group packages.


More Information on Skate Canada STAR 1-Gold programs can be found here.







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